FSA (Labuan)
Application period
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Ετήσιο τέλος ανανέωσης
1-2 months
Local legal address, local director (Included in the price 🚀)
📂 Passport; Proof of Residence
$130 000.00
Έκπτωση στον πράκτορα
Malaysia Forex License

The economyof Malaysia
The economy of Malaysia is a newly industrialized market economy. It is the third-largest economy in Southeast Asia, after Indonesia and Thailand, and the 35th-largest economy in the world. The economy is largely driven by exports, particularly of electronics, petroleum, and palm oil, and the economy is highly dependent on global trade.
Malaysia is a major exporter of electronic goods, accounting for over 40% of the world's total exports. The country is also a major producer of palm oil, rubber, and timber. Malaysia is also a major producer of petroleum, and is the second-largest exporter of liquefied natural gas in the world.
The government has implemented several economic reforms in recent years, such as the liberalization of the financial sector, the promotion of foreign direct investment, and the implementation of a Goods and Services Tax (GST). These reforms have helped to boost economic growth and reduce poverty.
Malaysia has also made significant progress in reducing corruption and improving the business environment. The World Bank's Doing Business Report ranks Malaysia as the 25th-easiest place to do business in the world.
How doesMalaysia regulatefinancial markets?
Malaysia regulates its financial markets through the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC). The SC is the main regulatory body for the securities and derivatives markets in Malaysia. It is responsible for the regulation of the capital markets, including the issuance of securities, the trading of securities, the provision of investment advice, and the regulation of intermediaries. The SC also regulates the activities of collective investment schemes, futures markets, and other derivatives markets. The SC also works to ensure that investors are protected from fraud and other forms of market manipulation.
How toregister acompany inMalaysia?
1. Choose a Company Name: The first step to registering a company in Malaysia is to choose a unique name for the company. The name must not be similar to any existing company names and must be approved by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM).
2. Prepare Documents: The next step is to prepare the necessary documents for registration. These include the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the Form 24 and Form 49, and the Form 9.
3. Submit Application: The application for registration must be submitted to the SSM with the necessary documents and the registration fee.
4. Receive Approval: Once the application is approved, the company will be issued a Certificate of Incorporation.
5. Open a Bank Account: The company must open a bank account in order to receive payments and manage its finances.
6. Register with Tax Authorities: The company must also register with the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN) in order to pay taxes.
7. Apply for Licenses: Depending on the type of business, the company may need to apply for additional licenses or permits.
Taxationin Malaysia
Taxation in Malaysia is governed by the Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967. The Act provides for the levying of income tax on income accruing in or derived from Malaysia, or received in Malaysia from outside Malaysia by any person.
Income tax is imposed on the chargeable income of a person, which includes income from employment, business, property, and capital gains. The tax rate is progressive, with a maximum rate of 26%.
In addition to income tax, Malaysia also imposes other taxes such as sales tax, service tax, and goods and services tax (GST).
The government also provides various tax incentives and reliefs to encourage investments and promote economic growth. These include investment tax allowances, double taxation agreements, and tax holidays.