Effective 21st January, 2021, a new Board of the FSA was appointed as part of the first phase of Government restructuring announced by President Wavel Ramkalawan. The Secretary of State, Mr. Patrick Payet has been appointed as the new chairperson and the new board members include Ms. Samantha Esparon, Mrs. Wendy Pierre and Mr. Richard Rampal.
Both Mrs. Pierre and Mr. Rampal are former employees of the FSA and have played a key role in the development of the non-bank financial services sector. Mrs. Pierre who is currently the Registrar General, joined the FSA (formerly SIBA) in 2004 and held various positions before being appointed as the CEO in 2012. Mr. Rampal who has completed over 10 years in the financial services sector, used to occupy the post of Director of Fiduciary Supervision at the FSA before he was appointed as the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in 2019.
The new appointees join existing board members Ms. Seylina Verghese, Mr. David Esparon, Mr. Robert Stravens and Mr. Philip Moustache .
The FSA thanks the outgoing chairperson and members for their commitment and contributions during the time they have served on the FSA Board.
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